1 min readDec 19, 2020

I created a flyer that has to do with the biggest thing in the world right now, COVID-19. The topic I chose to focus on is mask wearing. It has been so frustrating to see mask wearing be politicized. Wearing a mask stops the spread of any disease and is normal to wear if you don’t want to spread your germs. On the flyer I point out the 6ft distance in an image at the bottom right. I also state that wearing a mask will stop the spread. One key thing is the QR code I have attached. This allows people to scan or screenshot the image and this QR Code will take you to the CDC website that shows you how properly wear a mask. I decided to post this on my only social media, Snapchat. I did this because I see that many people don’t really wear a mask or social distance. I get we are all tired of this, but we need to be diligent and try our best to fight on.


